Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Weekly Art Dump and Such

Hey, it's not a Monday update, but an unexpected power-outage threw me off yesterday.  A semi  in town tried to turn a corner a semi should not try to turn (a really really snug no wiggle room right angle turn) and took out a power pole. And power to most of the town.  Whoooopsies.

Coupla more robots this week, in the 5x7inch series.  Going to start coloring them up here soon.

TF: Animated Blurr and TF:P Knockout.

On the jewelry front, I have a couple of things going on.

I''ve been working on a new limited jewelry series made from vintage flashbulbs I found in the parents old house. I've been slowly painting them up and will be turning them into necklaces, earrings, and other things.

I also have a table reserved at my first craft show in April! Woohoo. Lets see if I sell anything, or if all the local people just look at me weird.

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