Everyone involved gets assigned a Beast Wars character to draw, and I was given Rampage. Just for fun I figured I would post a series of images of it to show off the progress from lines to color flats. Shading and extra detailing will come in once a project-wide light source is decided.

Left: Pencil lines, drawn on watercolor paper at an 11x17 scale
Right: Digital Inks started over top the lineart in Photoshop. I don't dare traditionally ink my lines. I always muck it up something fierce.
Finished digital inks!

Left: basic color flats slapped onto those lines. Progress, woo! Nothing fancy, just coloring in the lines.
Right: Finally for now, detailed color flats.
I'm taking a fairly simple, direct style for this project. Though for fun I may color him in a couple of different styles just to shake the cobwebs off of the digital coloring skills. Been a while since I've done lines and digital coloring like this. Like ...five years.
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