Thursday, March 28, 2013

Misadventures in Life: Ocular Migraine

You know, ocular migraines kind of suck. Not quite dinosaur-trapped-in-a-tar pit level of suck, mind you, but fairly suck none the less.

So, it went down like this; I'm sitting here feeling all smug about getting more seeds started in mini-greenhouses for the garden, feeling accomplished and all that jazz when something starts to seem not quite ... right. There was this spot or something  just sorta lurking at the edge of my vision! This sort of transparent, non-distinct thing that was taking up residence stage right of my field of vision. It was just faint enough that I figured it was a floater of some variety, or one of those heeblie-jeeblies inducing micro-organisms that think your eyeballs are just the best place ever to hang out.  So I spent the next few minutes staring into space trying to identify for sure where the heck this whatever was in my vision, or if I was just having my mind play tricks on me.

Then it got bigger.

About now I was thinking to myself "Huh, I may be having an ocular migraine" and was musing of this possibility to several friends over AIM.

Then I realized I couldn't see well enough to type.

This transparent sort-of crescent shaped distortion had grown and migrated enough that it was impeding my vision enough that while I could still see, I could not see the letters well enough as I typed them to tell if I was spelling anything correctly. It was like trying to see through a miniature blob-monster that was attacking my eyes. Disconcerting to say the least.

Slowly my field of vision cleared and the distortion receded in all of it's shimmery, blurry, rainbow hued glory off to the right where it eventually faded away.

Now, as the adrenaline crash from the ordeal hits, I do not think I am getting anything else of worth done tonight. All of these jar charms will have to wait for finishing until another day.

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